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Goking lauds single operating system in gov’t transactions

Councilor George S. Goking, chair of the City Council committee on trade and commerce and committee on ways and means, expressed his appreciation for the proposed creation of a single operating system in all government transactions to ensure that doing business in the country will be faster and convenient.

The Gavel learned that the proposal will extend coverage to other types of businesses similar to what the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) did in creating a one-stop-shop for big-ticket investments. The system can address the differences between the national bureaucracy and local government units.

Goking said the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) and the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) are now mapping the process of the different agencies so they can be able to collate them in a single system.

It may be recalled that President Ferdinand R. Marcos directed the DICT and ARTA to assist LGUs in adopting the Business Permits and Licensing Systems (BPLS). This is the best way to reduce requirements and processing time. It needs data sharing for all government agencies so that documents submitted in one agency should no longer be required in another agency. The system is a big help for economic recovery, Councilor Goking said.


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