Abbu wants increase in monthly honorarium of CDTs, BNS, BHWs
COUNCILOR Jose Pepe Abbu Jr. this week filed a proposed ordinance increasing the honorarium of Child Development Teachers, Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS) and Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) to P5,500, P5,000 and P4,000, respectively.
The Gavel learned that CDT, BHWs, and BNS are currently receiving monthly honoraria or financial assistance of P5,000, P4,500 and P3,000.
Abbu said the amount is below the minimum wage rate in the city if their services to the city’s constituents are considered.
The councilor said BHWs and BNS are performing vital roles in assisting the city government to have a healthy, livable and prosperous community.
He cited that during the start of the pandemic, BHWs and BNS were frontliners in the monitoring, extraction, and isolation of COVID-19 patients, endangering their lives to serve their respective communities.
Face-to-face classes are resuming in the country, thereby risking the health and lives of the CDT in the performance of their duties to provide good and quality education, Abbu added.
The proposal will be studied by the City Council committee on health and health insurance chaired by Councilor Maria Lourdes S. Gaane. (SP/JBDacer)