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Goking warns rice traders vs hoarding, price increase

WE will be there!

This is the stern warning of Councilor George Goking, chair of the City Council committee on trade and commerce, against unscrupulous rice traders who are taking advantage of the reported shortage in NFA stocks.

Surprise inspections will be conducted and those who hoard or jack up the price of rice will be sanctioned, he stressed.

“We will apply sanctions, maybe penalties,” Councilor Goking stressed.

During the committee meeting on Friday, Cagayan de Oro Price Coordinating Council (COPCC) head Atty. Egay Uy said reports of rice shortage create panic buying and hoarding among residents. It has a bad effect on the availability of rice in the market, he pointed out.

Atty. Uy assured the public that there is no reason to panic.

“Actually, there is none!” he clarified.


National Food Authority Regional Director Fernando Nunez informed the committee that there is enough supply of NFA rice in the region for the next 48 days.

He added that last week President Rodrigo Duterte approved the importation of 250,000 metric tons of rice amounting to P5.7 million to augment the NFA’s supply.

Out of the 15 regional offices, only eight regions will receive an allocation of imported rice and Region 10 is one of them, he said.

“We assure the public that there is nothing to worry about,” he stressed.


The committee on trade, NFA, COPCC and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) agreed to work together as a technical working group headed by the NFA director, to conduct inspections, monitor and act on violations of retailers in relation to rice trading in the city.


During the meeting, the NFA director thanked Councilor Goking for immediately acting on the matter.

The Power learned that the councilor immediately visited the office of the director to discuss the rice supply concern. The councilor also took the time to visit the NFA warehouse.

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