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Gaane pushes for establishment of Smoking Cessation Clinic

COUNCILOR Maria Lourdes S. Gaane, M.D., chair of the City Council committee on health and sanitation and health insurance, is pushing for the establishment of a Smoking Cessation Clinic in the city.

During the committee meeting last week, Dr. Rachel Dilla manifested that the Smoking Cessation Program was established by the government through the Department of Health (DOH).

The Power learned that Smoking Cessation is the process of discontinuing tobacco smoking. Tobacco contains nicotine, which is addictive, she said.

According to Dr. Dilla, e-vaping is used to treat addiction to nicotine. It has to be prescribed for smoking cessation, she cited.

“You cannot have a prescription if you are not addicted to smoking,” she said.

She said e-vaping is not a solution to quit smoking, but smoking cessation is needed to quit the habit.

“If they want to quit smoking then they should go to the clinic. They can always give prescriptions,” she stressed.

A representative of DOH said all health personnel and local government units (LGUs) are well trained for the program.

She said DOH is very much willing to help those personnel to train and help those who are eager to quit smoking.

The DOH provincial office has already established a smoking cessation clinic at the Northern Mindanao Medical Center (NMMC), she announced.

“Naa gyu’y trained personnel nga mo assist to welcome all the clients who desire to stop smoking,” she added.

Councilor Gaane requested Dr. Dilla to facilitate the establishment of Smoking Cessation clinic in Cagayan de Oro. (JBD)

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