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Lack of parking spaces causes Oro’s terrible traffic - Calizo

“SINCE it will take a lot of time to provide for a plan and to correct the problem (on parking spaces), I think we can copy what some other cities (have done) to provide parking spaces to alleviate the pressure (caused) by parked vehicles that (affect) traffic in the city.”

This suggestion was raised by Councilor Romeo V. Calizo during the regular session Monday in connection with his special report on the issue of parking spaces in the city. He mentioned that the requirements under RA 4136, RA 6541, and City Ordinance No. 10551-2007 for owners of office, commercial, and residential buildings to provide parking spaces do not effectively address the unrestrained procurement of vehicles by the people.


Photos by Metro Cagayan de Oro

“Makati has solved its traffic problem by solving its parking problem. Since they have the money, they went (on creating) underground (parking). You go to G4 in Glorieta Complex going to Landmark, they have a high-rise building used for parking pero mas gwapo gyud tong ilang underground parking because it accommodates more. In Trinoma SM North Complex, they went a bit underground, but they went more on a high-rise building to provide parking services for their constituents,” Calizo narrated.

 Hon. Romeo V. Calizo Chairman of the Committee on Public Utilities (Roads & Traffic Management)

The councilor proposed utilizing certain areas of Divisoria, specifically the Post Office area for the construction of a parking building, as he observed vehicles are parked just anywhere and on both sides of the road in the area. He also noted that in his 24-hour monitoring last weekend, an average of 200,000 vehicles were recorded traversing the city daily, which explains the traffic congestion in the city’s major roads.

Vice Mayor Bebot Rodriguez referred his proposal jointly to the Committee on Planning, Research and Innovations and Committee on Public Utilities chaired by Councilor Ian Mark Q. Nacaya and Councilor Calizo, respectively, for study and appropriate action.


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