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Goking cmte, CDO CPCC looking into reported scarcity of paracetamol supply

CITY COUNCILOR George S. Goking, chair of the City Council committee on trade and commerce and a member of Cagayan de Oro City Local Price Coordinating Council, assures the public that there is no need to panic regarding paracetamol supplies in pharmacies and drugstores in the city.

The committee held a meeting Tuesday to discuss the reported shortage of paracetamol in the city.

It was learned that the Cagayan de Oro Local Price Coordinating Council (CDO CPCC) also conducted an emergency meeting to discuss the reported scarcity in the supply of paracetamol brands, Biogesic and Bioflu in pharmacies.

In a report to Councilor Goking, CDO CPCC co-chair Atty. Jose Edgardo Uy cited that the manufacturer was not able to deliver supplies to the distributor.

The council requested the Department of Health and the Food and Drug Association (FDA) to dig deeper on the matter, citing that paracetamol is a basic medicine that should always be made available.

The two government agencies will be coordinating with the CDO CPCC also in conducting actual monitoring of supplies and supply of paracetamol in the city.

According to the CDO CPCC, while there is an apparent shortage of at least two brands of paracetamol, other effective brands, as well as generic paracetamol, are available in the market.

Pharmacies are requested to post by Monday available brands of paracetamol in their respective premises for the guidance of buyers.

Councilor Goking said he is thankful for the cooperation of concerned government agencies and offices to solve issues and concerns affecting residents in the city.


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