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Goking supports seminar on LGU capability building

COUNCILOR George S. Goking, regional chairman of the Philippine Councilors League-Region 10, is supporting the conduct of seminar by DILG among councilors this coming June 2023.

The objective of the seminar is to strengthen the capacities of members of the Local Saggunians in local government operations. Goking said it is very important that Sanggunian officials are fully guided in crafting ordinances. There are issues and concern which need to be discussed, like understanding the local development planning framework and the role of Sanggunians, development and investment programming, understanding of LGU GAD Plan and implementation and functions of local sanggunian committees on various local governance areas, Sanggunian’s guide on the budget approval and budget review and guidelines on the utilization of 20% LDF and DRRM fund.

Councilor Goking said the more important things to be discussed is revenue generation like overview of LGU taxing powers and authorities/NTA shares of LGUs 2022-2024 Impact of Mandanas –Garcia SC Ruling), LGU remedies on Tax delinquencies and procedure on the grant of condonation incentives. There are critical issues of MSMEs for discussion; the local investment and incentives code and its implementation, streamlining of government transactions and department’s opinions on local governance issues. This seminar will enlighten LGUs to manage a successful leadership in support for economic recovery, Goking added.


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