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Fisheries com backs Freshwater Hatchery application

THE City Council Committee on Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, chaired by Councilor Christian Rustico M. Achas, in its meeting last week, endorsed for approval the request to authorize City Mayor Rolando A. Uy to apply for a Gratuitous Special Use Permit (GSUP) from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)-Region 10 for the City’s proposed establishment of a Legislated Multispecies Freshwater Hatchery at the Emmanuel Pelaez Ranch in Malasag, Cugman with an area of approximately two hectares.


Councilor Christian Rustico M. Achas

Councilor Agapito Eriberto G. Suan

Councilor Yevonna Yacine B. Emano

During the meeting, Achas said the project is an initiative of Congressman Rufus Rodriguez who personally asked for the city’s collaboration to fast-track its transaction with DENR.

Members and guests of the Committee on Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Meeting

The representative of the Office of the City Agriculturist said the project was made possible through a tripartite agreement between the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), the First Congressional District Office, and the City Government of Cagayan de Oro as the recipient. 

Guest from the City Legal Office

guest of the Committee on Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Meeting

“Ang congressional fund gi-course through didto sa BFAR national office. House Bill (3293) and basis ani (ug) ang cost ani is around P30 million. Ang challenge, as the recipient, is kung asa ibutang (ang facility). Multispecies siya so naay tilapia, freshwater prawn, hito, and other local (fishes) na pwede nato ma reproduce,” the representative explained the background description of the project. 

Guest from the City Administration Office

The matter was referred to the Committee on Laws and Rules, chaired by Councilor Edgar S. Cabanlas, for appropriate action.



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