Ways and means reviews Tax Relief Ordinance
The City Council committee on ways and means chaired by Councilor George S. Goking, during its meeting last week, tackled the request of Cogon United Market Vendors Association (CDO-CUMVA) for the implementation of Ordinance No. 14416-2022, otherwise known as Tax Relief Ordinance of 2022, as amended, particularly on the grant of condonation of all arrears, surcharges, interests and penalties of delinquent stall rentals in all Public Markets and Terminals for the year 2021 and prior years.
During the meeting, the Technical Working Group (TWG) through Mr. Anton Resma presented their findings covering the implementation of the ordinance, especially on real property tax, business taxes, stall holders, and traffic violators.
To avail of the condonation, any stallholder will go through the process of securing a certificate of delinquency from the City Legal Office before making any payment at the City Finance Office.
Vice Mayor Jocelyn “Bebot” Rodriguez asked the TWG why is it that until now market vendors cannot avail of the tax relief.
Raymundo G. Talimio, Jr., president of the Cagayan de Oro Chamber of Commerce and Industry Foundation, Inc., clarified that issues on the condonation are for prior years, but before writing off the penalties and other surcharges, there are things to consider like proper recording or documentation of what are the accounts to be written off from the books. The ordinance should also align with BLGF guidelines and the rules of the Commission on Audit (COA) on general accounting principles.
As this developed, Councilor Goking advised the TWG to further study the ordinance and to follow the guidelines of BLGF and COA in order to serve the vendors in all city public markets.