Discussions on billboard taxes, fees continue
ON Thursday, April 12, 2018, 9:30 a.m. at the City Council Session Hall, the City Council committee on ways and means chaired by Councilor George S. Goking will discuss updates on the status of the collection of billboard taxes and fees in the city, and other issues.
Councilor Goking has invited Engr. Yolanda T. Egam, OIC, District Engineer of the Cagayan de Oro 1st District Engineering Office, Engr. Anastacio G. Marundan of the 2nd District Engineering Office, Office of the Building Official OIC Arch. Maria Concepcion Alcantara, City Treasurer’s Office OIC Ramon Antonio Mendoza, Acting City Administrator Teodoro Sabuga-a, among others. (Angelic Rulona-Intern)