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Amendment of contract with PNP for use of city lot OKd

THE 18th City Council during its 71st regular session last Monday presided over by Vice Mayor Raineir Joaquin V. Uy enacted an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 13264-2017, entitled: “An Ordinance authorizing the City Mayor to enter into a Contract of Usufruct with Philippine National Police (PNP) through the Cagayan de Oro City Police Office (COCPO) so as to change the signatory from Police Senior Superintendent Robert Roy Vaguchay Bahian, Acting City Police Director to Police Director General Ronald M. Dela Rosa, Chief PNP.

The ordinance covers the use of a portion of the city government’s lot located in Barangay Macabalan with an area of 407 square meters, more or less, as the site of the Police Station No. 5 Building.

It may be recalled that the subject lot was acquired by the city by virtue of the Deed of Donation executed by the National Housing Authority (NHA). Apparently, with the recent and steady increase of the number of residents within the jurisdiction of the COCPO-Police Station No. 5, PNP has deemed it necessary to increase the number of Police Officers to be assigned to PS No. 5, and concomitant to the said increase, PNP found it imperative to improve and expand the building and facilities of its station.

In its desire to contribute and assist in implementing the said plan, the city granted the execution of the contract with PNP, The Power learned.

Under the contract, the term of the usufruct is for 25 years and renewable at the discretion of the city on a condition that PNP shall use it exclusively as the location of PS No. 5 as well as for its building improvement and expansion.

The matter was reviewed and endorsed by the committees on police, fire and public safety and on laws and rules chaired by Councilors Romeo V. Calizo and Ian Mark Q. Nacaya, respectively. (JAO)

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