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Dahino cmte tackles proposed eco-savers program

THE City Council committee on finance, budget and appropriations chaired by Councilor Edna M. Dahino met yesterday and tackled, among others, the proposed ordinance establishing the Cagayan de Oro Eco-Savers Program.

The ordinance is in accordance with the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 (RA 9003) requiring cities to adopt a waste segregation scheme to realize its target of reducing waste through the reuse, reduce and recycle principle.

According to its proponent, Councilor Maria Lourdes S. Gaane, though the city has already passed an Integrated Solid Waste Management Ordinance, there is still a need for a school-based advocacy program on solid waste management to augment its solid waste management efforts. For this purpose, all K-12 students should be encouraged to get involved for them to cultivate a culture of environmental protection, she cited.

One of the objectives of the said ordinance is to promote a culture of discipline among the youth through ecological solid waste management. To be able to attain this, an incentive scheme shall be established for managing solid waste by sorting wastes and minimize the generation of garbage in their homes. Eventually, a reduction in the cost being incurred by the City in its solid waste management is expected, The Power learned.

The matter was referred to the City Legal Department for opinion and subsequent recommendations. (JAO)

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