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Ethics body to hear cases vs brgy officials

The City Council committee on ethics and blue ribbon chaired by Councilor Lordan Suan will convene today, January 23, 2018, 3:00 pm, at the City Council Session Hall.

The committee shall hear BR Case No. 2016-10 regarding the request of all barangay kagawads of Besigan to conduct an administrative investigation against their Barangay Chairman on the basis of their joint affidavit complaint and to impose the proper disciplinary penalty as warranted by evidence; BR Case No. 2016-02 regarding a letter complaint against the punong barangay and barangay kagawad of Mambuaya for Gross Misconduct and Grave Abuse of Authority, and the preliminary conference on BR Case NO. 2017-06 regarding the complaint against the barangay kagawad of barangay 17 for gross dishonesty, neglect of duty, grave misconduct and criminal conspiracy, among others. (EF)

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