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Ordinance adopting a green building ratings,system and regulations in CDO up for discussion

THE City Council Committee on Planning, Research, and Innovation and People’s Organization Accreditation, chaired by Councilor Ian Mark Q. Nacaya, is set to discuss the Proposed Ordinance Adopting a Green Building Ratings, System, and Regulations in Cagayan de Oro. Introduced by Vice Mayor Bebot Rodriguez, the proposed ordinance will be known as the Green Building Standards of Cagayan de Oro City.

As used in the ordinance, Green Building (according to the Green Building Code of the Philippines) means the practice of adopting measures that promote resource management efficiency and site sustainability while minimizing the negative impact of buildings on human health and the environment. This practice complements the conventional building design concerns of economy, durability, serviceability, and comfort.

Meanwhile, Green Building Standards are referred to as the design guidelines, a rating system or set of rules for constructing buildings that ensure site planning sustainability, water efficiency, energy efficiency and renewable energy, sustainability of materials, solid waste management, and indoor environment quality.

The proposed ordinance is also pursuant to various applicable laws, rules and regulations, codes, and other laws with the primary aim to protect and safeguard life, health, and public welfare.


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