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Dahino leads campaign to end VAW

“CHOOSE to love your family so that we can create a happy community, a happy and VAW-free Cagayan de Oro City.”

This was the message of Councilor Edna M. Dahino, chair of City Council committee on women and family relations at the opening/launching program of the 2018 18-Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women (VAW) held at City Hall Quadrangle yesterday morning during the weekly flag raising ceremony.

The activity is initiated by the City Inter-Agency Council against trafficking and violence against women and their children (CIACAT-VAWC) together with the Gender and Development Focal Point System pursuant to City Ordinance No. 13226-2107 authored by Councilor Dahino.

The ordinance adopts on various women’s rights such as the prevention of and protection from all forms of violence and coercion against their person, freedom, sexuality or individuality. It also acknowledges women’s rights to freely and fully participate individually or collectively in the political processes of the community as well as in acquiring necessary knowledge and means for the full exercise of their reproductive choice, among others.

The undertaking will run from November 25 to December 12, 2018 to intensify an awareness campaign on women’s issues and concerns. A series of activities and programs are lined up to encourage support and expand the participation of women in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programs and projects with special focus on women and children’s needs, among other purposes.

Three barangays were also awarded during the program for bagging the coveted Search for Outstanding Barangay VAWC Desk 2018 namely, Tablon (First Place), Lapasan (Second Place) and Agusan (Third Place). All the other participating barangays have also received their respective consolation prizes, The Power learned. (SP/JAO)

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