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Kag Nadya hails signing of EO  vs Endo

COUNCILOR Nadya E. Elipe, chair of City Council committee on labor and employment, hailed the enactment of an executive order against “Endo” or “End of Contract.”

The executive order, which was signed by President Rodrigo R. Duterte on Tuesday, May 1, prohibits illegal labor contracting and subcontracting and strengthens worker’s rights to security of tenure.

The lady councilor said this is the fulfillment of the promise made by the Philippine Government to protect and assure its “common workers” against unlawful and/or untoward separation from employment.

With this development, Councilor Elipe expresses hope that the local government will do its part by strictly requiring all private business establishments to observe and implement the said law. She said this will sustain and elevate the living condition of contractual workers in the city. (JAO)

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