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Creation of Health Insurance department under study

THE City Council committee on health and sanitation and health insurance chaired by Councilor Maria Lourdes S. Gaane yesterday thoroughly scrutinized the proposed creation of the City Health Insurance Department.

During the meeting, Dr. William Bernardo, OIC-CHIO said that previously there were 18 positions passed through with the committee which was endorsed to the finance committee.

However, he said there was a discrepancy on the ideal plantilla positions that should fit for the City Health Insurance Office to become a department.

He said the proposal was already reviewed by the Human Resource Management Office (HRMO) which recommended that it should be based on the ideal position, so readjustments were made in order to comply with the requirements.

Unfortunately, the whole line up cannot be accommodated by the approved budget. It only approved 15 plantilla positions instead of 18 ideal positions, he explained.

Representative of HRMO clarified that because of the financial difficulty to cope up with the number of personnel who supposed to compose a department, the office decided to fit in the approved budget of P6 million.

She said the office recommended for the approval of the proposed department.

“At this point in time, the 15 positions are the only positions that can be funded but for the next years to come other positions will be added to complete manpower requirement of a department”, she explained.

Councilor Gaane said the request will be referred to the Local Finance Committee for further review and recommendation. (JBD)

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