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Joint committee studying proposed law for handling, collection of hazardous wastes

THE joint committees on health, sanitation and health insurance and on environment and natural resources chaired by Councilors Maria Lourdes Gaane and Zaldy Ocon will continue to study the proposed ordinance providing for the effective handling, collection, transport, treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous and toxic wastes in the city.

The legislation is in line with Republic Act 6969, otherwise known as the Toxic Substances, Hazardous Waste, and Nuclear Waste Control Act of 1990, Republic Act 8749, or the Clean Air Act and RA 9003, the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2003.

The proposed law requires the registration of businesses involved in producing and handling toxic waste for data banking.

It provides that prior to collection by accredited transporters, toxic and hazardous wastes must be collected and stored in sealed leak-proofed bags. The proposed law also requires the proponent to establish a Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility which shall be provided with all the facilities in accordance with the requirements of the EMB, among others.

The proposed law will involve the participation of the City Local Environment and Natural Resources Office (CLENRO), Environmental Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (EMB-DENR), Bureau of Fire and the IPM Construction and Development Corporation, The Power learned.

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