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Ocon looks into concern of landless folk

The City Council committee on urban and rural poor headed by Councilor Zaldy Ocon will look into and investigate the status of a property, which is the subject matter of a civil case.

This, after the President of De Oro Bayanihan Inc. thru a letter, informed the committee that the company is not amenable to the request for the purchase of the subject property.

Atty. Noel Vedad, legal counsel of the occupants of the subject lot, informed the committee that while he is talking to the committee, his clients are at the area due to imminent danger of their houses being demolished.

He alleged that the value of subject property was falsified and suggested that the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), especially the Capital Gains Tax Division and Legal Office representatives, be invited for them to determine whether the property declared in the deed of sale is “under-amount”.

Councilor Ocon called for the BIR to attend next meeting for another round of discussion and investigation on the matter as stated by Atty.Vedad. (EF)

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